Who else is excited that it is almost the weekend? One thing I have totally been struggling with is the insane amount of distractions that come with working from home. I have two dogs who are 18 weeks and about 2 years old. Some mornings they are all snuggly and taking a nap with them is just more appealing than working. Some mornings they are insane and driving me crazy and I can't focus on work. Either way they are not conducive to a productive work environment, but they are way cuter than your coworker.
This week I have gotten some major headway on my website and I think it will be ready to go live next week. I am working on the paper work I need to get completed today.
In other news Mashable had a great blog post on the rules of using social media. It has a ton of great things to think about. Check it out: http://mashable.com/2010/05/18/rules-social-media-engagment/.
Well, on that note, I am out. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Friday is the hardest day to focus for sure! It must be harder with two cute sidekicks.